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Society 5.0 and the Japanese Consumer Behaviour


The article addresses the behaviour of the Japanese consumer and the impact the country’s gradual shift to Society 5.0 will have on it. The publication is one part of the research conducted on Society 5.0 and its effect on the Japanese business sphere. The aim is to examine current Japanese consumer behaviour using data gathered from the World Bank and different consulting agencies and predict the changes that will occur as technology progresses. The research finds that companies in Japan can attract more customers by implementing virtual and augmented reality, artificial intelligence and other key aspects of Society 5.0. However, further research on the topic will need to be conducted in the following years as humanity has not yet entered Society 5.0 and all of the abovementioned innovations are still in their infant stage.

JEL: D15, D83, M31, M37


consumer behaviour, Japan, internationalization, Augmented reality, Virtual reality, Society 5.0, artificial intelligence (AI), online marketing
Download BJIEP.2023.1.04.pdf