Обновено: Saturday, 05 February 2022 21:29


The BJIEP Editorial Board subscribes to the principles of COPE – Committee on Publication Ethics (www.publicationethics.org) and advances policies of thorough, objective and fair peer-review and publication process.

 BJIEP follows a double-blind peer-review process, whereby Authors do not know who are their Reviewers and vice versa.

The authors are not charged with any fees for the acceptance, reviewing and publication of their manuscripts


  • submit for publication their original work;
  • sign a Declaration of Authenticity and Authorship and submit it with the manuscript;
  • submit manuscripts that have not been published elsewhere and are not submitted elsewhere for publication;
  • guarantee that the submitted work has not been published elsewhere – in whole or in part).
  • will not offer for publication (in whole or in part) their texts accepted for publication or already published in BJIEP without the consent of the copyright holder (UNWE).
  • must explicitly cite their own earlier work and ideas when they are quoted or paraphrased in the manuscript.
  • must ensure that the text they submit is free of any plagiarism, falsification or incorrect usage of others’ work.
  • are expected to explicitly cite others' work and ideas, even if the work or ideas are not quoted verbatim or paraphrased.
  • should respect the confidentiality of the peer-review process and should not include in the submitted manuscript any self-revealing information that would identify the authors;
  • should check their manuscripts for possible breaches of copyright law (e.g., where permissions are needed for quotations, artwork, tables or any protected content taken from other publications) and secure the necessary permissions before submission;
  • should avoid using sexist and biased language that could be interpreted as denigrating to ethnic or other groups;
  • should be prompt with their manuscript revision and meet the deadlines set by the Editorial Board;
  • are not charged with any fees from submission to publication of their texts (incl. submission ees, editorial procesing charges, APCa, page charges, color charges);
  • are required to pay only if they order printed copies of the Journal.


  • should evaluate manuscripts objectively, fairly and professionally;
  • should avoid personal biases in their comments and judgments;
  • should express their scholarly judgment about the manuscript in the review;
  • should explain and support their scholarly judgments adequately and provide sufficient detail to the author to justify their recommendation to the Editorial Board;
  • should respect the confidentiality of the review process and not discuss the manuscript with anyone other than members of the Editorial Board;
  • have a responsibility to avoid writing, doing or saying anything that could identify them to an аuthor;
  • should avoid conflicts of interest throughout the review process;
  • should declare any conflict(s) of interest that they have in relation to the review of the specific paper;



  • must maintain their editorial independence;
  • have the duty to judge manuscripts only on their scholarly merit;
  • should avoid conflicts of interest throughout the review and publication process;
  • may submit manuscripts for publication and if accepted should remain external to the process of selecting their reviewers in order to sustain the anonymity of the review process;



  • may serve as reviewers of submitted manuscripts;
  • may submit manuscripts for publication in the Journal;



  • cannot submit a manuscript for publication in the Journal.